Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Knecht Cup Recap

This weekend was a true exercise in overcoming adversity for the men's team, and looking back, I'd say we did a pretty good job.

Due to the injury of Capt. Ryan Wojcik in CT last week, some lineups had to be shuffled around.  Brendan O'Bryan was brought up from the 2V, Sean Patterson took the empty seat in the 2V, and both boats had people rowing in different seats than they were used to so far.  The practices started off very rocky early in the week, but by Friday, we had really come together and were excited, but unsure how we would fair at the Knecht Cup.

The bus left Friday afternoon and both boats were able to get out and practice on the course, which is always nice to have before a regatta.  Unfortunately, it was quite cold and raining the entire time.  After the team got back to the hotel, we changed out of our wet clothes, warmed up and headed to Wegman's for dinner.  The Wegman's experience was great, especially for the freshman who had never been to one.  I think they were a bit overwhelmed by all the dinner options, as Wegman's is essentially a combination grocery store/cafeteria in this case.  I, myself enjoyed a great crabcake sandwich with sweet potatoes and rice for only 10 bucks!  Very full and very satisfied, we all slept well at the hotel the night before racing began.

The 2V had many racing opportunities over the weekend, as they rowed the 2V8 and also broke down into a 1V4 and a 2V4.  The 2V8 drew a very tough heat in a thin field, and ultimately finished 4th, behind eventual winner Temple, Bucknell and Marietta, in a time of 6:48.02.  This was actually a fine showing, as all of the teams that beat them have many more people on their team, so the 2V is one of the better boats, as opposed to just the only boat other than V8.  Teams like Marietta and Temple often can boat multiple 8s and 4s at a regatta, and not have anyone rowing more than once.  Unfortunately for us, if you aren't in the 1V, your in the 2V and with only one sub, the lack of depth was exposed when Ryan's injury occurred.  The 2V is now back intact, and have their spirits up for the rest of the season getting back on track.

Cox- Bre Rodriguez
Stroke- Billy Hawxhurst
7- Ben Smith
6- James Wojcik
5- Ben Clark
4- Pete Vinnecombe
3- Sean Patterson
2- Paul Tracey
Bow- John Boss

The 1V and 2V 4's didn't fare much better than the 2V8.  The 1V4 finished last in a quick heat, with a time of 7:54.59.  The 2V4 was the talk of the regatta, and definitely the most hyped up on the Marist team going into the event, earning nicknames such as the Death 4, Battle 4, Defcon 4 and my personal name for them, THE FUN V!  The 2V4 was a final only at night on Saturday, and they placed 4th with a time of 7:14.20.  You might be asking yourself how the 2V4 was 40 seconds faster than the 1V4, and it is important to note at all races, that conditions can vary greatly throughout the course of a day, or even an hour.  Both of these boats had decent rows, especially when you consider they only practiced them once last week.

1V4                                                     2V4
Cox-Bre Rodriguez                             Kyle Ward
Stroke- James Wojcik                          Billy Hawxhurst
3- John Boss                                        Sean Patterson
2- Paul Tracey                                     Pete Vinnecombe
Bow- Ben Smith                                  Ben Clark

The Men's Freshman 8 continued to perform well, even without some of their best rowers, due to injury and lineup adjustments.  They qualified for semi finals with a 3rd place finish (6:38.79).  The semifinal displayed the speed of the field, as Marist finished last in the semi (6:35.33), but were only 2.5s from placing 4th.  Relegated to the petite final, the boys placed 5th (6:38.46), ending the regatta with a 11th place overall finish.

The Men's V8 is the main event of most regattas, and this year it certainly didn't disappoint.  We were unsure as to how we would perform without Ryan, one of our strongest rowers both technically and physically, and also with a totally reshuffled lineup.  We thought we had a pretty tough heat, with Grand Valley State and Mercyhurst primed to give us trouble, along with a Lasalle crew looking to exact revenge.  We needed a top 3 showing to move on to semifinals, and about 20 strokes into the piece, that didn't look to be much of a challenge.  We blasted off the starting line and quickly moved out to a few seat advantage over GVSU, and almost a length on the field.  We never looked back, and after 1k were not challenged again and cruised comfortably to a 1st place heat finish (6:19.15).  We knew that going into the semifinal, it would be a battle just to make the final, considering the substantial depth of the field this year.  We went to the line with confidence in our race plan after an impressive heat performance, and the semi went off without a hitch.  We flew off the line at a 45, and quickly established a small length on Temple, leaving the rest of the field in our respective wakes.  Through 1k, we had as much as a half boat length lead over Temple, with the rest of the pack (Hobart, Delaware, Marietta and Mercyhurst) well back.  Temple proved to be the more fit crew as they were able to come back and walk through us in the last 500, winning with a time of 5:56.41 to our 5:58.00.  Our semifinal time was good enough to be the 2nd fastest qualifying time for finals, and we knew with a well executed race, we could have a great shot at medaling.
The final on Sunday was one for the ages, and will not soon be forgotten by any spectators.  Crowds often gather just for the Men's V8 final and this crowd was wild as we drew down the course.  After another strong start, we found ourselves battling with Temple to put our bow ball in front, with Trinity a foot or two behind us, and Delaware a few seats back.  This race was a battle all the way down the course, and one of the best I have ever been a part of.  Much like the semifinal, the much larger and more fit Temple crew pulled away in the last 500 and won with a 6:00.15.  Delaware threw down a devastating last 750m and were able to pull ahead of us for 2nd (6:01.59).  Finally, we crossed the finish line right with Trinity, and neither crew was sure who was 3rd/4th.  It was revealed that Trinity was 3rd and beat us by .33 seconds.  Our final time was a 6:02.66, and as you can imagine, with 1st through 4th separated by 2.5 seconds, the crowd was lucky enough to witness a tremendous race.  Although disappointed that we didn't medal, we are happy that even with a replacement rower from the 2V, we cut down the distance between us and Trinity from 3.5 seconds the week before, to less than half a second.  ECACs should be a great race at the end of the season, and I strongly encourage all parent's and alumni to be in attendance.  Our outlook for the season is incredibly positive now, as Temple is one of the faster teams in the country every year, and we were so close to them, without our true lineup.

GF Results

6.Grand Valley6:08.01

V8 Lineup
Cox- Kyle Ward
Stroke- James Barker
7- Sam Garrison
6- Eric Mathes
5- Andy Sayles
4- Bill Lyons
3- Max Kenney
2- Seaton Debritko
Bow- Brendan O'Bryan

This weekend is the MAAC Championship, which we are all of course, very excited about.  The Men's Team is primed to win its 11th consecutive and 14th overall team points trophy, and our goal is to sweep every event with a dominant display in the Men's V8 as the cornerstone.  All of the Varsity and Frosh boats should perform very, very well, and for you parents, this is a great regatta to watch.  Mercer County Park is a nice venue, with a fully buoyed course, and a nice pavilion and gazebo on the point to watch racing all the way down the course.  Most rowers will be racing at least 2 times, as we are entered in the Men's V8+, 2V8+, V4+, 2V4+, LWT 4+, N8+, N4+ and V2-.  Hope to see all you parents and alumni there!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Coventry, CT Weekend Recap

Both the men's and women's team brought everyone to Coventry, CT this weekend for some early morning, exciting racing.  The weekend was broken down into two different races, with Day 1 against Trinity, UConn and Coast Guard, and Day 2 against Lasalle and UConn.  The weekend had its ups and downs, with the only constant being increasingly windy and choppy conditions.

Day 1: 

The 2V started off the day for us, earning a strong 2nd place showing.  The 2V lead the race, up until the last 500m or so, when they were sprinted through by a fit Trinity boat.  It was a very encouraging race for the 2V guys, as every week they continue to put together a better executed race.  Hopefully next week they will have it for the full 2k!


Trinity A6:06.7
Coast Guard6:24.6
Trinity B6:34.5

2V Lineup:
Cox- Kyle Ward
Stroke- Billy Hawxhurst
7- Brendan O' Bryan
6- James Wojcik
5- Ben Clark
4- Pete Vinnecombe
3- John Boss
2- Paul Tracey
Bow- Ben Smith

The 1V was very excited for its race, as we haven't faced Trinity yet this spring, but we know they will be a team to beat at future events.  The first 1k of the race went well, as we were right there with Trinity. We didn't handle the rough conditions as well as we'd have liked in the last half of the race, and Trinity was able to pull away and win with a 3.5s margin.  We absolutely destroyed UConn, who was in the race for maybe the first 20 strokes.



Cox- Chris Leonard
Stroke- Bill Lyons
7- Andy Sayles
6- Eric Mathes
5- Ryan Wojcik
4- Seaton Debritko
3- Max Kenney
2- James Barker
Bow- Sam Garrison

The Frosh 8 handled their conditions well, as they continue to try new lineups with new rowers, and work through some injuries.  They ended up with a strong 2nd place showing against a deep Trinity novice roster.


Trinity   6:11.6   
Marist   6:16.7 

Day 2:

The Marist Men found themselves up against some adverse conditions in Sunday's racing.  The 2V and Freshman had to make a 5:20AM bus, as their racing concluded before 7:00.  Racing that early was the only way to get this race off, as the conditions rapidly deteriorated.  By the time the V8 took the water, the tail wind had picked up and the lake provided some lovely 3ft swells with whitecaps for us.  
The 2V8+ dominated its only competition, UConn, putting up a time of 6:22.10.  They defeated UConn by 23s and cruised in the last half of the race to victory.  The V4 was composed of 2V guys, and they handled UConn and Lasalle with almost as much ease as the 8, winning with a time of 6:54.31, besting UConn (7:00.43) and Lasalle (7:16.33).
2V Lineup:          

Cox- Kyle Ward
Stroke- Billy Hawxhurst
7- Brendan O' Bryan
6- James Wojcik
5- Ben Clark
4- Pete Vinnecombe
3- John Boss
2- Paul Tracey
Bow- Ben Smith

V4 Lineup:
Stroke- James Wojcik
3- Brendan O'Bryan
2- Paul Tracey
Bow- Ben Smith
Cox- Kyle Ward

The V8, although ultimately triumphant, had a large setback before the race was even started.  Capt. Ryan Wojcik had been rowing through an injury all week, and it caught up with him during the warmups.  Almost immediately his rib injury was too much to deal with, and we decided to turn around and not risk further injury for Ryan.  Freshman Harrison Reed jumped into 5 seat, having just demolished a delicious egg sandwich from the food tent, and we went back out.  The conditions were some of the worst I have ever raced in, but we handled them very well.  The swells proved to be too much for Lasalle to handle and we jumped out to an early lead and never looked back.  We won with a time of 6:02.98, beating Lasalle (6:23.5) and UConn (6:43.52) handily.  This race got off just in the nick of time, as the Women's 2V8 race was cancelled as it was underway, due to the now enormous white caps that had taken over the lake.

V8 Lineup:
Cox- Chris Leonard
Stroke- Bill Lyons
7- Andy Sayles
6- Eric Mathes
5- Harrison Reed
4- Seaton Debritko
3- Max Kenney
2- James Barker
Bow- Sam Garrison

The Men's Frosh 8 had an unfortunate amount of bad luck in their race against Lasalle and UConn.  They were in the lead for the vast majority of the race, but 4 crabs caught by a novice walkon rower proved to be too much to overcome.  They finished in 2nd place (6:20.5) behind Lasalle (6:11.38) and ahead of UConn (6:46.44).

Overall the weekend went well, with the Varsity winning all of its races in convincing fashion.  The Men's freshman proved up to the task, and with some better luck, and a lesson learned in rough conditions, their season outlook is still very bright.  

The team will be in action this weekend at the Knecht Cup in Camden, NJ.  Hope to see you there!